Hello, sorry for utter rubishness! Life has changed somewhat!
different job, different outlook and positive future (or so i keep saying!)
Few things i've been investing my time in recently il name just a few: Birmingham Half marathon -oh sweet lord! need to get training and soon.
Been a nice turnaround in clothing recently (autumn/winter) although i hate the thought of winter coming-dark mornings and dark nights not to mention the cold, HOWEVER i am cushioned by this devastating blow by the enticement of warm clothing! Put a fave up from (who else) Superdry!
Other news in the home ware front i've re discovered Dwell, some cool crap in that shop including a mental silver T-rex... who doesn't want one!?
Been fortunate to go see a friend in an am-dram show last weekend which makes me feel inspired to get involved with something. Good luck getting me on a stage though :/ to show my support i bought a great book called The Polaroid Book from Taschen cool history of polaroids with some great visuals and essays from Hitchcock.