Hello, sorry for utter rubishness! Life has changed somewhat!
Took us 4/5 hours give or take a tea stop at the halfway house cafe to climb the 3,560ft (1085m) tall mountain. I've never climbed a mountain before… cross that off the list!
My legs are still feeling the pain of mountaineering (it hurt more coming down). Thoroughly enjoyed it, with the added plus of staying at Plas Dinas Hotel B&B and meeting some great new friends who I've heard a lot about… good to put some faces to the stories! haha.
Thankyou very much to Carlton for making this happen, much appreciated… just please don't make me dig you another pond though!
In other news… local…ish Am Dram needs some volunteers. Oh dear.
Snowdonia… im'a coming!
Hello, hope everyone is just having a lush beginning to their week! My week has started with a chuffing parking ticket! FANKS. and to top that off my work experience cant be started till i have a CRB. I don't even like kids sheesh!
Moving on... I am hopefully going to venture to Snowdon this weekend and have a bit of a climb over the part of the 823 square miles of landscape! So i'm prepared to pack my waterproofs and wellys! …photos to come shortly!
I've noticed the chill in the air recently which is shit because summer seems to be over before its begun… thank gwad for sunbeds! :/ Eitherway its time to crack out the knitwear/cardi! Bring on spring sale…
French Connection€27.00 (was 89.00)
Jack Wills: 49.00 (was 79.00)
Topman: 30.00
hello one and all! sorry for the lack of blog posts recently, i have been jobless (which really is no fun at all!) hence no spending monies on stuff to talk about! :(
righty, i have a few beauts to share, firstly H&M have stepped up a bit in the jeans department! i've always found their clothing to be ill fitting, but theres that rare (and i mean flipping rare!!) time when you'll find something that will fit your body perfect..ish!
to start, casual aptly named SLIQ (low waist/slim leg) stlye jean. easily to mess around with as they have no funny iron in fake creases! i had a quick go at turning up and 3/4 length which seemed all dandy. 19.99
next this old school classic animation tee (Donald/Mickey) from Divided @H&M whopping 12.99 pennies-BOOM yeh!
finally, Superdry flip-flops 19.99 pretty standard but good to have a great quality flip flop! find that these pair are quite wide though, not great unless you have wide feet!
got some good things in the pipeline, FANCY DRESS TOO PERHAPS HA … eeep x
OKAY here goes, my first non-photo blog. Well I don't want to be too harsh so maybe I shall have a few photos, or possible a vid or two? Yeh not too much I don't want to over-do it!
Righty I guess I better give ya’ll some background... Im a photography graduate with little to do with photography, I spend most of my wages from the bank I work at (sore story I shan't bore you) on clothing and such the like. I cant stress how much money I waste on stupid crap, so I shall vent via this and maybe that would justify it a bit more?! Right today was a mile-stone, the sky in sunny Stourbridge was big and bright but yet full of deception, there I was, geared up for a Saturday of sun. Jean shorts and Parisian long sleeved tee all set and ready on for a day of frolics and possible an early tanning opportunity.... NAIVE. Bitterly cold no-joke-of-a-lie! But as i’d made such an effort to feel sunny I sat in the conservatory and chatted to my chop friend Klee via Ichat! Short, sweet (and as bitterly hopeless as my day) story to kick this off but true non-the-less! Hope you look forward to hearing the ways and woes of my day to day life. chops out.