OKAY here goes, my first non-photo blog. Well I don't want to be too harsh so maybe I shall have a few photos, or possible a vid or two? Yeh not too much I don't want to over-do it!
Righty I guess I better give ya’ll some background... Im a photography graduate with little to do with photography, I spend most of my wages from the bank I work at (sore story I shan't bore you) on clothing and such the like. I cant stress how much money I waste on stupid crap, so I shall vent via this and maybe that would justify it a bit more?! Right today was a mile-stone, the sky in sunny Stourbridge was big and bright but yet full of deception, there I was, geared up for a Saturday of sun. Jean shorts and Parisian long sleeved tee all set and ready on for a day of frolics and possible an early tanning opportunity.... NAIVE. Bitterly cold no-joke-of-a-lie! But as i’d made such an effort to feel sunny I sat in the conservatory and chatted to my chop friend Klee via Ichat! Short, sweet (and as bitterly hopeless as my day) story to kick this off but true non-the-less! Hope you look forward to hearing the ways and woes of my day to day life. chops out.
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