Sunday, 27 March 2011


hair, not a massive difference... but it feels alot better!! :D

The last 4/5 years i've followed the same mid-2000's style with little deviation and some accidental shocking almost mullet like moments! YIKES!
Today this is going to change... short back and sides with a layered top and fringe. I'm scared to have my melon hacked into but its deffo for the best ha! y'all shall see in a short few hours.
One more vital step away from the Bieber.

The image is from Bottega Veneta spring collection 2009 but by no means outdated, nice juxtaposition of the turning trend in mens hair. May attempt the 'slick' look also, then again i don't want to look like hitler. no.

Photo to follow...

Saturday, 26 March 2011

let the sun shine...

I've been scouring around as its been an amazingly nice week (weather-wise) for some goodies... heres a sample.

Superdry shorts 44.99
H&M Cargo Pants 19.99
Toms Red Canvass Classic 33.00

Sunday, 20 March 2011

oi oi sailer...

-Asos wide scoop neck tee 15
borderline wheres wally, but i'm avoiding blue because its everywhere.
-Asos anchor belt buckle 15
not exactly a new style but its subtle and not as in your face as a giant anchor print/pendant. Simple and cool.
shouldn't get this combo... but its safe to say i probably will... just in-time for dress down friday!

notebook boutique

le petit prince.
Limited edition Moleskine... amazing.
£10.49 Amazon

tempted to pre-order.....

ok i shall.

top tees wish list #1

Im a massive tee fan, otherwise id be half naked relying on shirts to do all the hard work. So given the chance to get three tees for under 80 smackers heres my choice.
Incidentally if anyone wants to give me 80 smackers then that would be greatly accepted with little reluctance. Yes ive got no pride.

From left to right
1/ Lazy Oaf, its not like the movies tee £25
2/Theadless, RED $10
3/ Urban Outfitters, Edwin Locomotion slub tee £38

beach prep...

H&M 3.99
WHSmith 2.79
Just to clarify... im not going to a beach but its always good to be prepared!!

end of a crap era...

The disposable clothing of that cheap shop beginning with 'P' (can't bring myself to say it) may be coming to an end!! eep- did get this like last year though!

Easy like sunday morning...

Some times you'll see something that you think is just totally amazing, you probably shouldn't buy it but can't resist!
I found this lovely man-broach that i have absolutely no use for :/

... but isn't it pretty! And the best darn 8 squid i've spent in a long time!

P.s I did forget to mention it stabbed me in my face asleep last night as its not on a cushion. Not so easy like sunday morning after all!! Lets have a roast!

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Chop Introduction

OKAY here goes, my first non-photo blog. Well I don't want to be too harsh so maybe I shall have a few photos, or possible a vid or two? Yeh not too much I don't want to over-do it!

Righty I guess I better give ya’ll some background... Im a photography graduate with little to do with photography, I spend most of my wages from the bank I work at (sore story I shan't bore you) on clothing and such the like. I cant stress how much money I waste on stupid crap, so I shall vent via this and maybe that would justify it a bit more?! Right today was a mile-stone, the sky in sunny Stourbridge was big and bright but yet full of deception, there I was, geared up for a Saturday of sun. Jean shorts and Parisian long sleeved tee all set and ready on for a day of frolics and possible an early tanning opportunity.... NAIVE. Bitterly cold no-joke-of-a-lie! But as i’d made such an effort to feel sunny I sat in the conservatory and chatted to my chop friend Klee via Ichat! Short, sweet (and as bitterly hopeless as my day) story to kick this off but true non-the-less! Hope you look forward to hearing the ways and woes of my day to day life. chops out.